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5th Commandment or 5th Amendment!

"Honor your father and mother, so that you may live long in the land the LORD your God is giving you." (Exodus 20:12)
"Listen to your father, who gave you life, and do not despise your mother when she is old." (Proverbs 23:22)


In this regard, are we getting into action (as per the 5th Commandment) OR are we being silent (taking the 5th Amendment)!

The following homes are either supported or run by SHEPHERDS IN CHRIST INTERNATIONAL. The elderly are cared for in all aspects of life. 

SPIRITUAL – helping people find meaning and purpose in life, maintaining hope, coping, and finding peace through prayer, bible reading, and spiritual counselling
EMOTIONAL – listening and responding to concerns, providing encouragement and moral support, maintaining contact, and simply being there for someone.
PHYSICAL – assisting with daily living including personal care, household chores, meals, driving, medication, etc.
FINANCIAL – organizing bills, writing checks, balancing the checkbook, and providing money to help cover expenses.

Your contributions towards this cause go directly (100%) to supporting the Old Age Care homes. At Shepherds In Christ, we thoroughly screen, assess and partner with only such organizations whose primary purpose acheives a truly non profit cause.We continuously assess, evaluate our programs to ensure your giving helps reach and make a positive change in the lives of the elderly in the most efficient manner.

If you are also interested in joining one of our mission trips to India, please write to us. God Bless.
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